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Traditional Wood Craft

Christmas Trees Christmas Tree

Timber Stone

Timber Stone

Christmas Trees

From the first of December every year our doors are open from 9am -5pm for locally grown christmas tree sales and the opportunity to browse for gifts in our welcoming log fired gallery. Our family sales team are more than happy to help you choose your perfect tree.

What’s more we now use Christmas tree netting that is 100% biodegradable, we also stock a good range of water holding stands which adjust to accommodate a wide range of trunk sizes.

So what tree should you buy? Choose from one of our many locally grown trees below:

Nordmann FirNordmann Fir
Europe's original and most popular Christmas tree. Distinctive broad, soft, dark green needles with a white underside. Beautiful shape, bushy appearance, and excellent needle retention. Holds it's needles very well.

Noble Fir Noble Fir
The Noble Fir is a good retainer of its needles and has an attractive blue colour. They have an excellent shape and are quite broad with evenly spread branches. They also give off a beautiful scent.

Lodge Pole PineLodge Pole Pine
A cheerful green colour, tinged slightly with yellow. The lodgepole pine is a tall, slender evergreen with a straight trunk and it's long needles and cones give a lovely pine smell to any room. Excellent needle retention.

Scots Pine Scots Pine
Really fragrant native conifer with an attractive blue-green foliage and very long, soft needles. The best needle retaining tree there is.

Norway SpruceNorway Spruce
The original Christmas tree. A mid-green colour with fine, pricking needles. They have a beautiful conical shape, excellent fragrance, but have lower needle retention. Excellent for outdoor use and traditionalists.

Looking after your Christmas Tree

Like caring for a plant, it is important to look after your Christmas tree . A few simple tips will give you greater enjoyment of your tree and will help to keep it fresh throughout the festive season.

After buying your tree it is best kept outside in a cool and shaded position preferably standing in water, until you are ready to move it indoors.

Just before you take the Christmas tree into the house, it is advisable to saw 1" (2.5cm) off the bottom of the trunk. This creates a fresh cut and opens up the pores in the bark, which otherwise block up with sap within a few hours of being cut. The tree is then able to drink water through these pores via capillary action.

Mount your tree in a suitable water holding stand, or a bucket and place away from any direct heat.

Top up the water every day - your Christmas tree may drink 2-3 pints (1-2 litres) of water per day, depending on its size and your central heating settings.